Silence brings peace: 8 occasions when it is better to remain silent instead of speaking | Positive Thoughts in English

8 occasions when it is better to remain silent instead of speaking
Be Positive!! With Positive Thoughts in English
In today’s changing times, there is noise everywhere, due to which stress is common. In such a situation, if you try to maintain silence every day, it reduces the level of stress hormones, which keeps your mind calm and anger under control. Every person should be aware of when to speak and when to remain silent and what changes can come in us by remaining silent.
8 occasions when it is better to remain silent instead of speaking and speaking causes harm.
If you remain silent on these 8 occasions, you will get what you want, and changes will start in your life.
1. Don’t Speak Without Facts
When you have no facts, it is better to remain silent. Being silent creates new cells in the brain and increases knowledge. Good speaking skills are achieved only when one has complete knowledge about something. If you speak unnecessarily without any facts, you are made fun of, and people also lose trust in you. Always remain silent when you do not know what to say.
2. Don’t hurt with words: Positive Thoughts
If your words are hurting someone, you should remain silent. Many times, people say good or bad things to those younger than them. The person who is shorter than you will not say anything to you immediately, but you will start falling in his sight.
If that person becomes taller than you in the future, he will also treat you in the same way that you are treating him. You cannot become great by demeaning someone and hurting them with your words, so whenever you speak, speak with respect. People will like your words, and using good words increases respect.
3. Remain silent in the face of anger or haters
When someone close to you or a relative is angry or insulting you, you should remain silent so that the anger of the other person is completely calmed down. If you are not wrong then do not apologize and remain silent and wait for the opportunity. When his anger subsides and he realizes his mistake, he will apologize.
If someone, whether it be oneself or a relative, is angry, remaining silent at that time is a way to show respect. It does not make anyone bigger or smaller. Anger has the potential to spoil relationships, so it is better to remain silent during such moments.
If you are feeling angry, you should control your mind or try to move away from there. If you move away from there, after some time, your mind will become calm, and you will be able to consider what is right and wrong.
4. Keep quiet about other’s issues
If you have nothing to do with any issue, it is better to remain silent. If you speak on someone else’s issue without any reason, it will only cause harm to you.
If there is a fight between two people, do not intervene in it; say something only when the other person asks for your advice. You should not interfere in any person’s personal life unless that person invites you.
Some people jump in to settle other people’s disputes, due to which others start pointing fingers at their honour and respect.
5. When someone is engaging in backbiting about a third person
When someone is speaking ill of a third person in front of you, you should just listen silently and not express your opinion. Because the person who is speaking ill of a third person in front of you today can also speak ill of you in front of someone tomorrow.
6. When No One Understands Your Feelings: Positive Thoughts
When you feel that no one can understand your feelings, sorrows, problems, and troubles in words, or is not even trying to understand, remain silent in front of such people because they do not care about your pain and suffering. You will regret telling your feelings to such people later; therefore, you should not share your feelings with everyone.
7. When someone expresses their sorrow
When someone shares their sorrows and problems with you, it signifies that they consider you as someone close to them. In such a situation, rather than offering an immediate solution, it’s important to remain silent and listen to their pain. Refrain from sharing their sorrows and problems with anyone else. They confide in you not necessarily because they expect you to solve their issues, but because they trust you to understand what they are going through. When someone opens about their sorrows, simply listening silently can help alleviate their pain, as sharing it can lessen the burden. Remember, sorrow is eased through sharing, and being a supportive listener can make a significant difference.
8. Where People Are Abusing
Where someone is abusing, quietly leave the place without reacting. Because you cannot make people understand at that time, whose tongue is bad. Only when his mind becomes completely calm will he listen to you and consider what you say.
So these were 8 occasions when it is better to remain silent instead of speaking.
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